Thursday, January 7, 2010

What our country is searching for

Its not hard to look at our culture these days and see that there are lots of problems, but sometimes I think we spend a lot more time looking at the effects of the problem and not the cause.  We wonder why its less safe for kids to go out and play.  Why gangs are rampant and drug use continues to flourish.  Why are children shooting up their peers at school and television progressively becoming less wholesome each day.  Homosexuality is becoming the norm and pornography is hard to avoid.  I would venture to say that the most drastic change in our society in this generation versus previous generations is the breakdown of the family.  I believe that God created the family unit for a reason.  A child needs a father and a mother to truly learn and adapt to this world.  When we do not get the love from both sources, then we look for it somewhere else.  Divorce is more common than two parents raising their kids until they leave the house.  Men are impregnating women and not taking care of their responsibilities (personal responsibility will be discussed later).  I am not writing these thoughts to pass blame, but to point out the cause of the degeneration of our culture.  I pray that their can be revival in this land and set people on the right track.  I pray that I can have revival in my life and start living a life that truly reflects God's glory.  The answer to what we are searching for is love.  We search for it in many places, but God is the only true place to receive a perfect love.  Drugs, pornography, sex, alcohol, cigarettes, food, and work are all things we become addicted and I would venture to say that we do these things to fill a void that comes from a lack of love.  Jesus showed us what true love is when He and the Father made the ultimate sacrifice in order to save us.  He took our shame away.  We may have our addictions, but its God that can truly fill those voids.

God is the answer.  I believe as a nation, we need to start focusing not only on God, but on rebuilding the family unit.  We need to stop living in the material world and start focusing on leading our youth.  We need to set an example so they will know how to live when they grow.  Problems are passed down through generations.  I believe that we will continue to lose our morality a little more in each generation if we continue down the path we currently are striding down.  I don't know the answer to fix the problems, but I would guess that the first step would be to bring it to God in prayer.  This is where I want to start concentrating more time in my life.  I know I have gone all over the place in a couple of paragraphs, but let me know if I have stimulated any thoughts or you have any ideas on the direction that our communities, cities, churches and country need to take.

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